Saturday, 4 February 2012

and another birthday...

And so the years pass...  Yesterday I turned...  um...  46!  Even I can't kid myself any longer that I'm young.

This was really brought home to me a few months ago when I was waiting for a bus.  I arrived at the bus stop a couple of minutes early and there were already two young girls there.  When the bus arrived, I was quite happy for them to get on first - after all they'd been at the bus stop before me - but they stood aside to let me, the older lady, on first!!  Naturally I smiled and thanked them but inside I was screaming, 'No, no, no!  Why are you letting me on first?  It's not as if I'm old or anything.'

But I am.  I'm now 46.

On the bright side, I had a great day.  I had lots of cards, texts and presents from friends & family all over the world.  We went for a walk in the park, which was lovely, then my boyfriend took me to see The Artist which was one of the best films I've seen in ages, (I'll be posting about that later).

But the best thing about 46 is that being 18 is far behind me.  I hated being 18.  All that angst is so tiring.


Style At Every Age said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday xx

Ines said...

I'm a bit late but happy birthday! :)

Beautiful Things - Cathy said...

Thank you both xx


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