It's happened to me. I think I've got writer's block.
I have a couple of half written blog posts languishing on Blogger but when I read them through, I think, 'Meh, these are so flat.'
If anyone's got any suggestions on how to break through this, I'd be interested in hearing them. x
No you don't! You just wrote and that's a start!! But have you read the artist way? If not please read it not just for artist but I think for everyone. I say just practice writing bc sometimes the act of writing inspires the thought if that makes any sense! I get some good ideas just clacking away not many get a brilliant idea and then grab a pen or the laptop, it can be a reverse process x
Thank you! That is encouraging. I'm actually going to search for the artist way now on Amazon.
Have a good day. xx
I've been given 'The Artist's Way' in 1997 then lost the copy. Then recently been given one again. I just could never finish the book because the moment I get to that part where it tells you to just write and write (I remember you're encouraged to do it in the morning but I do mine at night) whatever comes into mind, then edit when you're done. I think it's the style for some people. It doesn't work for me though as I'm very much into structure and logic from the very beginning. So what I do is I write ideas, then break them down into topics. From there, something else comes along then it's another topic. Read as much as you can possibly do (not easy when you're busy making ends meet) as it inspires you for some topics. Another thing is to set a deadline/routine for your blog such as frequency of posting, etc. I don't believe in posting all the time when you don't have to. It reminds me of classmates in grade school or high school (not sure what the equivalent is in the UK) who keep on raising their hands to talk in class, but when they do, it's just nonsense and bullshit. Hope this helps. Looking forward to more posts from you x
I agree with Chinwags somewhat in that you shouldn't stress yourself out about frequency or deadlines but equally I don't think you should limit yourself at all - if you feel like writing something just post it. Yes sometimes there are posts out there that are just cathartic but equally how many blogs out there are mindblowing? Not everything has to be deep, insightful, or superbly interesting - if that were the case then 99.999999999% wouldn't blog! :)
Thank you both for your advice and support. I think I've just got to write. I do like the idea of coming up with ideas then breaking them down. I'm definitely going to give that a go. xx
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